Sebastían Cely Peña

Hello! 🖐️ I am an enthusiastic computer systems and engineering student from UPTC, with aspirations of becoming a junior developer at the moment. Thanks.


Throughout my career in Systems and Computer Engineering, I have gained extensive experience in developing diverse projects, spanning multiple technologies and environments. My primary focus has been on implementing robust and efficient solutions, blending my strong foundation in languages such as C/C++, Python, and Java.

"As of today, I have experienced significant personal development through web development.This is why I currently have greater proficiency in the use of JavaScript , TypeScript , as well as the implementation of APIs REST with Express.js y Node.js for the HTTP protocol

Frontend Development:

In the realm of web development, I have led projects using React and advanced frameworks like Next.js and Vite. My experience encompasses creating engaging user interfaces to implementing architectures based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. This approach has been crucial in ensuring the maintainability and scalability of the systems I have built.

Backend Development and Databases

On the backend, I have shown a strong interest in using NoSQL database tools such as MongoDB and GraphQL. For cloud implementations, I have successfully utilized platforms like Supabase and Firebase. My knowledge also extends to SQL databases, with practical experience in Oracle & PostgreSQL.

Automation and Bash Script:

My interest in script creation has been an aspect that I have explored and practiced based on the themes learned during my career. My skill in Bash scripting in Linux environments has enabled the automation of processes, contributing to a more efficient management of recurring tasks. This focus on automation has become a valuable part of my experience.

If you are interested, Repository of this: Git-Bash-Scripts

Data Analysis and Cloud Services:

I have conducted data analysis using R/RStudio, providing meaningful insights for decision-making. Additionally, I have explored cloud services from leading providers such as Azure Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS), contributing to projects that demand versatile and scalable solutions.


Currently concluding my studies in Systems Engineering at the Uptc, I have successfully navigated the complexities of the program, acquiring a solid foundation in diverse aspects of information systems and technology. Additionally, I have undertaken specialized courses in the program "Oracle Next Education"


Currently, my key skills include the following:


The MongoDB Database – designed and upheld by @mongodb.

Since February 2020


The React Framework – created and maintained by @vercel.

Since February 2022


The GraphQL Query Language – crafted and sustained by the GraphQL Foundation.

Since February 2021


The Vite Frontend Build Tool – conceived and maintained by the Vite Core Team.

Since February 2021


The Spring Boot Framework – developed and maintained by the Spring Framework Team.

Since February 2021


These are some that I like to use or that I like:


The Supabase Open Source Database – built and maintained by the Supabase Team.

Since February 2022


The Firebase Platform, for the cloud-metadata mostly – developed and maintained by the Firebase Team at Google.

Since February 2020


The Vercel deploy Platform – created and maintained by the Vercel Team.

Since February 2021


The Cloudinary Media Management Platform – crafted and maintained by the Cloudinary Team.

Since February 2023